De Voorkamer Radio (EN)
In collaboration with Utrecht radio platform StrandedFM we produce radio shows in which our community goes in-depth about culture, news items from countries where our community members come from, personal interests and much more. Twice a year we organize a talent development project together with StrandedFM. In this project, participants of De Voorkamer Radio receive educational workshops in which they develop various skills, both technical and storytelling skills, and learn to apply them in practice. At the end of the course, the group will go live with their self-created radio show!
With this project, we want to give our community the opportunity to share their creativity, stories and perspectives with the world outside the doors of De Voorkamer and capture them in a professional way. It also provides a platform for the stories of people who too often go unheard, or are still underrepresented in the media landscape.
De Voorkamer Radio (EN)
In collaboration with Utrecht radio platform StrandedFM we produce radio shows in which our community goes in-depth about culture, news items from countries where our community members come from, personal interests and much more. Twice a year we organize a talent development project together with StrandedFM. In this project, participants of De Voorkamer Radio receive educational workshops in which they develop various skills, both technical and storytelling skills, and learn to apply them in practice. At the end of the course, the group will go live with their self-created radio show!
With this project, we want to give our community the opportunity to share their creativity, stories and perspectives with the world outside the doors of De Voorkamer and capture them in a professional way. It also provides a platform for the stories of people who too often go unheard, or are still underrepresented in the media landscape.
Create your career (NL)
In samenwerking met Utrechts radioplatform StrandedFM maken we radioshows waarin onze community de diepte ingaat wat betreft cultuur, nieuwsitems uit landen waar onze community- leden vandaan komen, persoonlijke interesses van ons community en nog veel meer. Twee keer per jaar organiseren we samen met StrandedFM een talentontwikkelingstraject. In dit project krijgen deelnemers van De Voorkamer Radio educatieve workshops waarin ze verschillende vaardigheden ontwikkelen, zowel technische als storytellingvaardigheden, en deze leren toepassen in de praktijk. Aan het eind van de cursus gaat de groep live met hun zelf gemaakte radioshow!
Met dit project willen we onze community de mogelijkheid bieden om hun creativiteit, verhalen en perspectieven te delen met de wereld buiten de deuren van De Voorkamer en deze op een professionele manier vast te leggen. Daarnaast biedt het een platform voor de verhalen van mensen die te vaak ongehoord worden, of die in het medialandschap nog zijn ondervertegenwoordigd.